we give back to the community
Moti family gives 20,000 blankets to warm those in need
The MotiMoves and Moti Cares foundation, run by Zunaid Moti, is donating 20,000 blankets to the value of R3 million to charities and communities in need this winter. The first batch of blankets were delivered on Saturday, 1 June to Al Imaam Wa Dawah International Foundation in Orange Farm, the Darul Ihsaan Islamic Institution in Newlands, Randburg, the Newclare Masjid in Randburg, and Darul Uloom in Westbury.
“This is our biggest blanket donation to date, because as more charities approached us every year, we realised just how big the need out there really is,” says Zunaid Moti, investor, philanthropist, and founder of the MotiMoves.
“In response, we decided to significantly increase the number of blankets to reach many more households and individuals in need and show them some kindness and support. Blankets are an essential which so many people take for granted, but can make a real and meaningful difference in their lives during the cold winter months.”
On the day of the donations, Moti also recognised other needs at some of the centres, and stepped in to assist. For example, after speaking to the Darul Uloom boys about their weekend hobby of working out together, Moti realised that the centre lacked the adequate facilities, and donated R50,000 for gym equipment.
Additionally, the MotiMoves and Moti Cares foundation will be donating 50kg of rice and 20kg of dhal every week to support Darul Ihsaan’s feeding scheme, while R100,000 will be donated for the construction of a mosque at Al Imaam Wa Dawah for the benefit of learners and the general public.
To ensure the programme would be a success, Moti reached out to the public through his social media pages, requesting charity nominations. After having thoroughly vetted each request, Moti and his team have chosen approximately 66 charities, organisations, and communities to reach out to over the coming weeks, donating blankets according to each organisation’s individual needs. The first four charities in Orange Farm and Randburg received a total of 2,000 blankets.
“Our family is guided by the Islamic principles of giving. But giving is an act of kindness and generosity that’s physically and spiritually healing to the one who gives, as much as it is for the one who receives. That’s why we also hope to inspire other South Africans to lend a helping hand to others, especially in these challenging times for so many families in our nation,” says Moti.
Moulana Noor Muhammad Chabeli from Al Imaam Wa Dawah says, “We are deeply grateful for this gift which will keep hundreds of families in our community warm this winter. It’s always a difficult time for those who do not have much, and we rely on contributions from organisations such as MotiMoves to help us help others make it through. Jazakallahu Khairan, MotiMoves.”
This was just the first of many blanket donations that MotiMoves will be rolling out over the next two months. Other charities will be contacted and informed within a week of further planned blanket drives if they have been selected. Progress on the blanket drive can be found on Zunaid Moti’s various social media pages.
what we have done for others