all the work we have achieved


we give back to the community


we give back to the community

Lenasia Water Distribution

Reaching out to Al-Badr distributing our water drop for the Month of Ramadan.

Al-Badr was established in 2007. This is not officially an orphanage! These are our students who were destitute children whom we felt obliged to look after. WE CALL IT “THE HOME”.

Our children reside at “THE HOME” in extension 11a on Bramaputra Street. There are 24 residents aged from 4 to 13 year’s old, living with 6 caretakers.

Primarily these children hail from the informal settlement in which we have satellite Madaaris. We found these children in desperate want, some without parents, others without homes, and all of whom without food and clothes. Sufficed to, we felt obliged to help them. Hence, Al-Badr home was born.

what we have done for others


“We are delivering 2 Million Meals in Kwazulu-Natal this weekend”

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