Spend in charity and do not count for, then Allah will also keep count in giving you provision.
Our long term goal is to empower these highly potential beings whom Allah has allowed us to interact with. Students who are academically inclined in the secular sphere are encouraged in that direction, while those who are Islaamically inclined are motivated accordingly.
Our aim is to enhance tomorrow’s generation in order to ensure that society will be a better place for everyone. These children may not have been born in Muslim homes, but we endeavour to help as many as possible, providing them with the opportunity they might not have ever had, and unlock potential they might not have ever realised.
Initially many of these children came from Vlakfontein, an area outside Lenasia, where we started an outreach effort in our third year after inception of our umbrella institute, Madrasah Ihyaa id-Deen. Subsequently, we have children who hail from various underprivileged areas.
what we have done for others
“We are delivering 2 Million Meals in Kwazulu-Natal this weekend”